There can be numerous reasons or justifications as to why a tooth may need removal, including the following:
A tooth that is seen as unrestorable – if any prior attempts to restore a tooth have tried and failed, where the tooth decay has gone too far or when there is no remaining tooth substance/material to support a filling/restoration.
In cases where a tooth is painful, broken and fractured and a root canal treatment is not seen as viable by the clinician or the patient has not opted for this as a treatment option to save the tooth.
When a tooth is suffering from “gum disease” it has lost its supportive surrounding periodontal tissues (i.e. the surrounding gums, bone and the interconnecting dental fibres) it will result in pronounced gum recession, exposed roots, and advanced bone loss around the teeth, which manifest in increased mobility and often tenderness.
Extractions of sound teeth can also be carried out, if prescribed from another dental professional or specialist, for example as part of an orthodontic treatment, i.e. braces.