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Fibredontics Training

Fibredontics – Composites and Fibre-Reinforced Composite Hands-On Course
This hands-on course explores fibre technology in treatment planning, offering innovative, minimally invasive options with advanced materials and bonding techniques. The lecture and practical sessions will give the participants an overview of fibre-reinforced composite restorations, their applications and their usage in the clinical environment. Indications and potential problems will be highlighted with case studies. Models will be used in the practical sessions. The course is open to all dental team members.

Dr Jansie Van Rensburg

Dr Van Rensburg qualified in 1980 from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. His special interest in Aesthetic Dentistry introduced him to the exciting field of fibre-reinforced composites.

Since 2004, Dr Van Rensburg has lectured at numerous National and International Dental Congresses, Study Group Meetings, BDA (British Dental Association) meetings and post graduate centres throughout the UK and the rest of the world.

He has written a number of articles, including peer review articles published in the SADJ (South African Dental Journal), and the Dental Update.


To provide a comprehensive, theoretical and practical understanding of fibre-reinforced restorations and discover how these restorations can revolutionise treatment planning.

The course will give participants an overview of fibre-reinforced composite restorations, their applications, and their usage in the dental environment.


  • Splinting: Learn the techniques for placing periodontal splints. Get the feel of fibre-reinforced composites as you work with them on the model provided
  • Anterior bridges: Experience bonding the fibre framework and the satisfaction of building up a freehand aesthetic pontic, using a basic three layer composite technique, with final tinting and polishing
  • Endodontic posts: Learn how to use the fibres to restore the endodontically treated tooth with an anatomical post build up directly in the mouth
  • Teach and illustrate different methods on how to construct a functional and aesthetic pontic
  • Posterior composites: Learn how to achieve a functional and aesthetic restoration, reinforced with fibres
  • A previous delegate comments: “Clear, concise, practical advice which I could use straight away.”

    Please use the attached booking form to secure your place. The next available date will be announced soon.

    A copy of the training session flyer can be downloaded here.

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