Teeth Whitening
Before any whitening treatment, we will initially assess your teeth and your gums and make sure that you are a suitable candidate. You may be advised to have some protective, restorative treatment before your teeth whitening treatment can begin. Your dentist will discuss the whitening options available and answer any questions you may have. Whitening cannot be carried out on anyone under 18 years of age. Please be aware that according to the General Dental Council (GDC) Standards it is unlawful to carry out teeth whitening if you are not a GDC registered dental professional.
The initial stage for either of the whitening options we offer is to take impressions of your teeth and have customised whitening trays made which fit snugly and comfortably over your upper and lower teeth, so you get safe and effective results, and so that you can top-up the brightness of your smile whenever you want to. Both of the below options include the initial appointment for impressions to be taken of your teeth, custom made whitening trays, and take-home syringes.
A dental hygienist appointment is recommended before teeth whitening for the best end results, to have any gross stains or deposits removed. Examination and dental x-rays also need to be up-to-date.
For quick, dramatic teeth whitening, we offer the Philips Zoom! in-chair whitening which takes less than two hours and could leave your teeth up to six shades whiter, reversing stains from food and drinks, ageing, even discoloration from some types of medication. Included in the treatment cost is a set of trays and take-home gel so you can top up as required.
Philips Zoom! home teeth whitening kits are a safe and convenient way to get your smile noticeably whiter in one to two weeks. You’ll get professional, affordable results with little to no sensitivity. Included in the treatment cost is a set of trays and the take-home gel.
DayWhite and NiteWhite home teeth whitening kits are both applied in the same easy way; the difference comes down to when and how long you wear your trays. With DayWhite you’ll wear your trays twice a day, so you might like to do one treatment in the morning, the other in the evening. It’s perfect if you want to wear the trays for as short a time as possible. With NiteWhite, trays are worn overnight and let you whiten as you sleep – you can remove the trays as soon as you get up. Both offer noticeable results in as little as two weeks.
Please contact us for more information, or to book a whitening appointment.